Friday, August 16, 2013

Born in the Wrong Century

I think that my kid was born in the wrong century...

His instrument: the mandolin
His sport: fencing...

...and archery.

So, when he came home this week with some homemade ink - made, at the Nonni's house, with soot, lampblack (what is that?!?), coffee, vinegar, and more - and wrote out his homework project with that homemade ink in a calligraphy pen, I should not have been surprised that his next request for was sealing wax and a stamp. Ummmm...

We tried to improvise with leftover birthday candles. But that was too watery.

Then I found sealing wax and an 'R' seal at a stationery story. Thank you, Spencer's!! But, it took some experimenting. Attempt number one resulted in sparks and burned paper. Whoops. Attempt number two - we forgot to dip the seal in oil - resulted in stings of wax pulling off the paper. Whoops again.

 We finally dialed it in on attempt number three...

And here he is: my happy born-in-the-wrong-century kiddo. He finished his homework - a letter to his future self, written in homemade ink and sealed with wax.
I love this kid!

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